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The only Allied rocket launcher that sides with the Allies. This baby is accurate but sloooooow to reload.
TIP: If you have cover, fire your bazooka at the target and then quickly strafe left/right to take cover and maybe reload if your target is still alive.


Stick Hand Grenade

This weapon is actually a German standard issued grenade. In single player missions though, you can use this like the Allied Fragmentation Grenade.


TIP: Because this weapon is thrown not shot (of course!), the longer you hold down, the further it is tossed when released. Also, by holding down secondary fire, you can toss under-hand, making this weapon go underneath.


Springfield '03 Sniper

The American standard issued sniper rifle.


TIP: Never try killing with a Springfield un-scoped, you'll most-likely miss. therefore, always have a good distance between you and your target. Aim anywhere from the head to the torso. If you got skills, aim at the head, it feels more Vassili Zaitsev-like.


M1 Garand

A semi-automatic rifle. Unlike all other weapons, this rifle can not be reload when right in the middle of a used clip.


TIP: Because this is semi-automatic, try "lock-ing on" to your target and pick shots instead of shooting like crazy. Have fun with this rifle.


MP40 Submachine Gun

A German Submachine gun. I prefer the Thompson though because I'm an American :).


TIP: Like the Thompson, BURST!!! unless if you're enemy is very close or you just need that one last bullet in your enemy. Take some time to master this smg, you'll want this as your number one aresnal.


BAR Rifle

What do you get when you combine a Thompson's full-auto capability and a power of a M1 Garand? Viola, you get the BAR Rifle.


TIP: Like all submachine guns, you most likely would want to do short bursts. Holds only 20 bullets in a round so use wisely.


StG44 Assault Rifle
Later on in the mission, you'll have to use this assault rifle as your "#1" aresnal (although I still like the Thompson). Unlike the BAR, this rifle was the first assault rifle invented in the world, the ammuntion capacity maximizes to 30 rounds, its unique bananna clip, and the rate of fire. Although I hate the Nazis, I might think twice before tossing the StG44 Assault Rifle into the wasteland.
TIP: Like any smgs, make sure you burst!! If you are in jepoardy or you're in panic, then go full auto. But like all fully-automatic weapons, it's always the best to go in bursts.


Colt 1911

This is your sidearm. Very reliable at your last resort.


TIP: Pull this baby out when you're trying to get away or torturing your fallen enemy. Also, if you can use other weapon(s), use those instead unless of course, you either only have a Springfield, Bazooka, or the Grenade.


Thompson Submachine Gun

My favorite of the favorite aresnal "The Thompson," also known as the Tommygun. This is my prefered weapon because of its full-auto capability and if you know how to use it, this baby can also be pretty darn accurate. Also, I tend to be close to the enemies so this baby will give me the upper hand ONLY if I don't panic and pull my Tommy trigger wisely!


TIP: Like the MP40, BURST!!! unless if you're enemy is very close or you just need that one last bullet in your enemy. Take some time to master this smg, you'll want this as your number one aresnal.


Mark II Fragmentation Grenade

Many American soldiers in World War II use a variety of hand grenades, but the Mark II Gragmentation Grenade was the standard and prefered issue.


TIP:Because this weapon is thrown not shot (of course!), the longer you hold down, the further it is tossed when released. Also, by holding down secondary fire, you can toss under-hand, making this weapon go underneath.


.30 Caliber Machine Gun
This baby is used several times in single player missions, and when available, you're gonna have LOTS of fun with it.
TIP: You know how bursting makes your shots accurate? Don't. You know how making precise aiming makes you think you're saving ammo for your .30 Caliber? Don't. You know how going full auto the whole time makes you look like an idiot? TOO BAD. You're gonna learn how to fire like crazy; because this machine gun has unlimited ammunition, you can fire anywhere and anytime, as long as your crosshair is aiming at your enemy. FIRE AT WILL!


The infamous MG42 was a devastating Nazi aresnal. In real life, this machine gun can fire up to 3x faster than any Allied automatic weapons. In the game however, the MG42 fires the same rate as the American .30 Caliber. Wanna have fun with this? Then go full auto but make sure you're shots are not in vain ;).
TIP: You know how bursting makes your shots accurate? Don't. You know how making precise aiming makes you think you're saving ammo for your MG42? Don't. You know how going full auto the whole time makes you look like an idiot? TOO BAD. You're gonna learn how to fire like crazy; because this machine gun has unlimited ammunition, you can fire anywhere and anytime, as long as your crosshair is aiming at your enemy. FIRE AT WILL!